
Saturday, August 01, 2009

I'm Back....

It's been almost a month since my last post. If you are like my family and Me, summers are soo busy and hectic. Not to mention, my truck was in the shop for almost 2 weeks. Good 'ol Betsy needed a break. She was just to tired and now she's back and running like tip top shape. ...I really missed her.
The baby is gettin soo big and "HAPPY"...he smiles and laughs at almost everything. I've been taking little videos of him on my camera. I want to make a dvd of all of the little clips of his first year. I thought this would be such a great thing for our daughter to have later down the road. They just went on vacation to South Carolina this past week and came back and asked us how we would feel if they moved there? Now, mind you, I would never stop any of my children from doing what they want. But it will sadden me if they actually do move there. We have 3 grandbabies that live in another state with our middle daughter. So we don't get to see them much. And now if our eldest daughter moves, then we will once again have another state to visit to be able to see them. Ohh the woes of being a parent.
On a lighter note, I was able to get in a couple cards and a layout....Enjoy...
This is our 3rd little grandbaby. I took this on a visit when they came here last summer. I brought in the ric rak from her little hat onto the layout.
I actually made this card for a challenge on Paper Craft Planet a couple weeks ago. I wasn't able to upload this to their site though. They challeged everyone for a no layers card. And this is what I came up with....
here's a stamp that I don't think I have ever used. One morning I just took it and made this card.
and here's a card playing around with a little stamp set that I have never used before either. The whole card is stamped, inked and colored in with Prisma's....
I wanted to say thank you to everyone that visits me everyday. Come back and visit again soon as I hope to have new projects up. I'm working on some new ideas using my big E for wood working. Have a Happy weekend...Hugs from a stormy Charm City...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back chickie! It's good to hear that someone has a LIFE besides crafting. LOL Really miss seeing your fabulous projects though. Yea! This layout is ADORABLE! Love how you used the ricrac from her hat! Love the cards too. I've got drawers of stamps that I've never used. Especially love the middle one. I soooo feel that way! xxD
