
Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Weekend

How is your weekend going for you? Mine, been busy. I am cooking Easter dinner tomorrow.You know how it goes, clean clean clean before family comes over. So that's what we did.Well, some of the day. I spent some of my time trying to nurse this bad tooth that I have. I went to the dentist this past week and he said that I need to have a root canal done. OHHHH NOOOOO!!!!! Not that. I am so not looking forward to it either. I have been in alot of pain off and on and today took another toll on me. But I did manage to get a couple cards made today and I thought I'd share them with you. I was reading the new issue of Stampers' Sampler. In the article from the Editor she was telling us how she just likes to let loose. Clear her mind and just go with the flow. So I did just that. I got out my stamps and just let loose today. I'm not much of a stamper. I ended up with 3 cards but I'll post 2 of them tonight....I'd love to know what you all think about them. I'm still trying to work on my coloring. I just can't get that down. I used Prisma pencils on the one above and ink on the owl card. I also got out the T!m Holtz hammer and distressed the numbers and brads. Thanks for stopping in and saying HI. I'm hoping to get back to hangin out with everyone soon. I sure do miss you all. Our daughter was feeling better today. Still in some pain but not like she has been these past few days. The Doc said that she could be like this for at least 3 more weeks before the baby comes. So if you could, say a little prayer for her. Thank you so much... Have a great evening...Hugs from Charm City

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