
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Is it FRIDAY yet?

I love Fridays...normally that means that my weekend starts for me and I can take a break from the working world...although Fridays are one of my hardest days of the week, I still love them. After work, I get to sleep for a couple of hours, get up and get the little one from school and we go get Chinese and some movies...she loves that we get movies together for the weekend...that normally means that she gets to have a friend over, either for the night or just to hang out, watch movies and play what about your weekends? Is there something that you do every Friday like clockwork?
On a lighter side, here's a few projects I forgot to post the other day....the first is the bag set that goes along with the mug that I posted a week ago. It's abit different, but I really like the outcome...
this is a dvd movie that I made from the photos of my brother-in-law's night before the wedding with everyone partying at the club.
this is a 3x3 notepad holder. I need to go and buy some to fill it
this is a little gift bag that I made using the cuts from the stuffed snowman posted below...I usually make a few cuts when I'm working on a project to get the right size of something, and this one an extra cut I had made...
and this last project is a stuffed snowman was inspired by a couple of ladybugs over at the blog. ...they are jsut soo crafty and I loved it when they had posted a couple projects using material...
I don't know what I'm going to do with this yet, but I'm sure I will figure something out...
Thanks for stopping in...I hope everyone has a great weekend ahead...
Hugs from a brisk Charm City


  1. Love the stuffed snowman - great job Nancy.

  2. Love the stuffed snowman - great job Nancy.

  3. Awesome work as always Nancy!!! I love it all! As far as Friday rituals, the one I look forward to EVERY Friday morning!! When the alarm goes off and I get up out of bed, I get to turn my alarm off for the weekend!! LOL! Instead of pushing my little reset button, I get to turn the switch to off! I LOVE that part!!! LOL!!!
