
Monday, October 13, 2008

Hello Blogland

Happy Monday everyone....long time since my last post...things here this past month has been really crazy busy..I cleaned out the spare bedroom...and let me tell you, that was quite a job...not to mention we left and went on vacation...and my BIL and girlfriend got married while we were was such a gorgeous day....I'll post some photos on the next post...but the rest of the week wasn't so good while we were there....maybe next year we can have some good weather.... Here's a project that I made for the ladybug's can go HERE and see the tutorial...not to mention all of the other tutorials from the awesom ladybugs.... this is a little spells book I made out of was for a challenge over on Hallmark Scrapbook's message board...come on over and play along with all of the challenges with us...we would love to see you... this was for another challenge at Hallmark Scrapbook...I made this bag into a gel window with a stamped scene...and I used the Design Studio to cut the globe out of the center. yet another challenge over on the message board...we were asked to use the cornucopia from the Paper dolls cart...I made it into a fall plaque that I sent to someone...I hope she likes it... I have seen these little frankie bags all over the net and wanted to make one using the Cricut...I used the grass border from the paper dolls cart for the hair.... these are some stamped cards...still trying to play around with stamps and coloring.... I made this one for my BIL that just got married... here's some photos from this past Saturday at the pumpkin patch...the one on the scale is the smallest pumpkin that we had...this was our first visit here to and we loved it....think we will be going back again... I took this photo of the girls before they went into the corn was 2 1/2 acres of corn that they made into a maze...DH and I opted not to join them and just hung out and looked aroundthe farm.... this is an awesom gift that was waiting for me in my mail when we got back from vacation...a friend over at Hallmark Scrapbook made this for me...isn't is just goes in my kitchen so well....Thanks so much are just the sweetest.... Thanks everyone....just a little update of what's been going on this past month... Hugs from a very sunny Charm City

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