
Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Well it's finally here and gone. We just turned off our lights abit ago. It was so sweat to see all of the little ones in their costumes again. With some of them being really creative. I love it. And just think, I was thinking about not handing out candy this year. What was I thinking. Thanks to DH and our little one for basically pushing me to do it, I thank them for it. Thanks guys. You are the best!!!!!
Here's a photo of our little one and her friends. Everyone meets back here at our house and we get they really think they will get away from that, fat chance...and here's a photo of our pumpkin that we carved out today. You can click on the photos to make them bigger if you would like to.
Here's some cards and a tag with Tim Holt as inspiration. I really love his work and products.
Here's a little bag I made for a challenge over at Hallmark Scrapbook on the message board. If you haven't checked us out, pop on over and play along. The challenges are such a fun way to play with your Cricut machine. Or even just to hang out with us.
Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween. We are off to the beach again. It's my father in laws 70th birthday.
Hugs from a very worn out Crabbie

1 comment:

  1. bautifui cards and I have to say the cardwith the leaves on is one of the most stunning cards I have ever seen!

