
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just a little "quicky"

Just been doing some things around here and there...went down to the ocean this past weekend for a's was cool, but different from past years of ones that I've gone too...but I did get to meet a couple girls that just opened a store down where I work...I loved their products that they offered at the convention too...not to mention, they loved my purse that I had made...we were chatting abit and I had mentioned that I was an instructor and loved to teach she mentioned that I should stop by and we can discuss maybe teaching in her store....woohoo...that would be great...
This coming weekend is our anniversary and my birthday...we are bak off to the ocean again to celebrate it'll be a fun time...
Here's a few projects that I've worked on this past week or so....
here's a layout of one of the photos posted down below...
Here's the purse I made to carry this's the band that we go off and see every summer at the beach....nothing like being "oldie"
this is the photo that will published inthe newspaper down there that I took of the group...what a party group...
these are some new photos of our grandbaby
isn't she jsut the cutest? I have some more photos to upload but I need to run for now...I hope everyone has a wonderful day in the
Hugs from Charm City

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nancy, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog and leading me to yours, i really love your work, you are one very talented lady!!! T xx
