
Sunday, December 09, 2007

Happy Sunday from a cold and wet Charm City My day started at 3 am...I went off to bed really early last night as I wasn't feeling to figures since I had the night off from work, I wasn't even able to stay up and watch nighttime t.v....bahh....but I have been able to manage to get 5 loads of laundry done, dishes, finisish up a layout, do another one and even make a Christmas card before anyone woke up this I feel like I'm in good shape for today....just need to work on a few other things for today... Our good news is that our daughter just had her baby last week. They named her Makayla Grace. As soon as I can I"ll upload some photos of her....she is jsut too darn cute....they are coming out at Christmas time to visit, so I'll be able to hold her....can't wait I tell ya..... Here's somethings that I have done these past FEW's been really crazy around here lately and we just haven't had much "US" time.... these were made for a swap on Creative Express. I know that I'm really late on this, but I finally finished...and I hope that Becki likes them and will add them to her family albums....
here are some Christmas cards that I have been making....
I made these two layouts for Crop Addict for the Novembers kit...
this is one of the layouts that I was able to make this morning.....I hope that everyoone has a wonderful week ahead. I know it's a busy one here again with getting out all of the Christmas decorations and getting the tree up sometime.....

1 comment:

  1. First of all: congrats on your new granddaughter! Such a beautiful name! I really hope things went well for your daughter!!

    And loooove your creations so much! You're such a big inspiration to all of us!

    Have a great day!
