
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Wanted to Share some.... (I took this first thing this morning. It's the neighbors little house in their backyard. I just loved the blue against the white snow. And with the trees covered, it looks like a little cabin in the woods...) of our good fortune that we received yesterday and last night. We had alot of fun earlier playing in the snow. The neighbors dog came over for a play date with Mystic to. She is such a playful dog. And huge, is she ever so massive. Her name's Daisy. Kaitlynn's off sledding. Can't wait to see how much fun she had. I got a swap package a week or so ago and these photos will be great with it. I can't wait to play.... Well have a great Sunday!!!! Enjoy all of our white stuff.... Hugs from Charm City!!!! This is my favorite photo

1 comment:

  1. Love your pictures, Nancy. My dh and I went to the park a couple of hours after the snow started, and we got some nice pictures. We didn't have that nice blue house in the background, though!
