
Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!! We had a great night celebrating with our little one. It was nice to hang out and play some games with her. Although she doens't take loosing to well. So what does a mom do to make her little one happy? Let her win. They let off fireworks around here. Scott and Kaitlynn loved setting the ones off we picked up at South of the Border this past summer. They were kind of cool. I just couldn't get any great photos of them doing it though. So no New Year's layout from me this year. Although I made us a great dinner. We got steamed shrimp, twice baked loaded pototoes, home made BBQ wings (cooked,fried and then baked) and some dill dip with celery and crackers. I just had to throw in something that was alittle Here's a photo I took today using my new funky lense. It's awesom. I am so loving playing with this. I just wish I had the one that was on order. We're taking the tree down tomorrow and I really wanted to use it for the lights on it. Oh well, I'll just have to find other things to take photos using it. Here's a layout of yet another ornament on our tree. I'm such a coke a holic. I know, I shouldn't be. They say that just drinking one can of coke a day with minimal excersize, you will gain 10 lbs. in a year. So now I know where all of these pounds have come from over the past years. LOL..I really need to kick the habit. I have tried so many times it isn't funny. I just need that extra umph that it gives me. Well I hope everyone had a great New Years. My family and I are wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2006. Hugs from Charm City

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