
Monday, December 12, 2005

It's Monday again!!!!! Where do the days go. Can you believe that 2005 is almost over? 2006 is going to be here before you know it. I want to say thank you to all of my friends and family that have been in my life. It has been a great year. Although a little tough at times, but we've made it through it and I am thankful for that. It can only get better with each and every day. Yesterday I met up with a bunch of friends at an art studio. This was my first visit to one and thoroughly enjoyed it there. Not to mention the company was great. It was so nice to visit and chat with everyone in real time instead of over the net through e-mails or IM's. Everyone looked ravishing, especially Cammy. Yes girl, you!!! You see, she is about to have her baby in early 2006. A little girl!!! She had such a glow to her presence. Ok enough of that. I don't want to embarace her I met Steph for the first time yesterday. And her little boy was such a doll. He made everyone a beaded bracelet that was just soo cute. As soon as I got home and showed Kaitlynn, she just had to have it. So I shared it with her. But little does she know, as soon as the newness wears off and she leaves it laying around, I'll take ownership of it and store it away. Maybe even make a page with a pic of him and use that as a little embellishment on it. Sharon came with her little one too. And what a cutie pie he was. Just so adorable. You would have never known he was there. Quiet the whole time. But cute, he's just too cute and adorable. It was nice to see you again Sharon. With us living so close to each other, I hope that we can get together more. You know, we have an art studio right here at the Festival. How about meeting there sometime and let the girls hang out and make some art together? Well I want to share my 3 most favorite photos that I took yesterday. The ones above are of Steph's son, Cammy and Sharon with Sharon's little one. I hope you all like them as much as I do. I hope that everyone has a great week ahead. Hugs from Charm City


  1. Hi Nancy! Glad you made it on Sunday. I can't wait for our next get-together! Thanks for sharing your pics.

  2. Hi Nancy,
    I really enjoyed seeing you yesterday!!!!! What a fun day. I love the pics on your blog.
