
Sunday, December 18, 2005

Happy Sunday Just a quick good morning to everyone. Here's a fun layout I made while everyone was sleeping. It's an ornament that my friend Debbie sent me last year for Christmas. Thanks Deb...I loved all 3 pieces... they look great hanging on our Christmas tree. I finally found some of that Blitzen Basic Grey here, so I had Scott take me down to the store so I could get some..I am soo loving this line from them... Well, I'm off to make some french taost for everyone. Kaitlynn had a friend stay the night and they are painting right now. But I know they are pretty hungry. So off I go... Hugs from Charm City


  1. Nancy how I love this one!!! I love the lo and I love the paper too.

  2. Hi Nancy - I LOVE, love, love this LO. It's one of my absolute favorites. Heck, I love all your work. Sorry about the Junkitz thing - I've seen some of the work of the ones they chose and I prefer yours any day. They must have been looking for something else - that's what I always tell myself:) I saw Bobby's picture below and loved that too. I called him to come and see it and he was so thrilled. I had a great time meeting you and enjoy keeping up with you via your blog:)
