
Friday, October 07, 2005

Signs of the beach

Signs of the Beach HI thought I'd share some signs of the beach while we were there this past week on a vacation. We always go to this club while in town and this one particular day it was family day. They had a pig roast and live entertainment. It was really fun. Alot of the family came down and some friends from Scotts work came too. To most, it was their first time in paradise and just fell in love with it. So needless to say, they are going to make this a place to visit when in town. I'm adding one of my sunrise photos that I took from our balcony one morning. This is really one of my favorite places on the beach. I love to sit and watch the sunrise.


  1. I love the sunrise picture. Beautiful!

    Isn't blogging fun? Its addictive to write and read.

    Linda :o)

  2. Thanks Linda for stopping in. And I have to agree, blogging is lot of fun.

